Translation Service Discounts

Want to get the best prices on professional translation services? Use GTS coupon codes to get a price discount and make sure that you get the best value for your budget.
New customers get a 5% discount on their first translation order. Just use coupon code NEW5 before you complete payment. Check out our video with instructions on how to redeem the coupon code.
In addition, we periodically run special sales with even bigger discounts. These discounts are offered to registered users who are logged in to the GTS Translation website. We announce these discounts via email and if you are logged-in to our website, through online notifications. Special discount sales have an expiration date and are offered for a limited time-but we feature several of these sales a year.
If you have a large project of over $5,000, we may be able to offer you a special discount. Please contact our sales team by email to inquire about a special discount.