In the USA there seems to be an election going on at all times. On the national platform, the mother of all elections is the general election for President of the United States. But as everyone knows, the general is preceded by a year long primary season in both major parties. Each party has a number of candidates, each of whom is running their own full-blown campaign. Then there are the congressional elections every two years in which all 435 members of congress that serve in the U.S. House of Representatives are elected. And one-third of the 100 US senators are elected.

At the state level, gubernatorial elections are held every four years in each state. Add to that mayoral elections, elections for sheriff, elections for state attorney general, state assemblymen and countless other public positions. The comes to many hundreds of elections every year.
Translation services may not typically play a significant role in election campaigns in most western countries. Because most voting citizens in those countries speak the same language. The USA is different in this respect, owing to the large populations of non-English speaking voters (or voters who only speak English as a second language). Campaigns that want to get votes in specific demographics will typically look to translate campaign materials into other languages. Spanish is especially important as it is estimated that over 40 Million people speak Spanish in the USA. In New York City for example, there are large populations that speak Yiddish as their first (and sometimes only) language. In any city that has a Chinatown, a political campaign may feel the need to translate campaign materials into Chinese. And the list goes on and on.
GTS specializes in translation services for political campaigns. This includes translation of:
- Flyers
- Speeches
- Campaign websites and website content
- Letters, mailers and emails
- Signs and slogans
- Subtitling and dubbing of video clips
We translate into all of the languages that are widely spoken in the USA. This includes Spanish, Chinese, Tagalog, Vietnamese, Arabic, French, Korean, Russian, German and Haitian Creole.
Related Reading From the GTS Blog
Navigating the Nuances of Spanish in the USA for Effective Communication and Localization
Tips on Marketing to the Spanish-Speaking Audience in the USA